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Planning an outdoor Irish wedding should be done with a sense of adventure and humour in equal measures. When I arrived at Virginia Park Lodge (famous for it’s beautiful gardens and amazing food) the weather was…errr lets say it was being “Irish”. Yes, it was raining. Thing was, the ceremony due to take place in the Tulip / Lavender garden at 3pm, and at this stage it was only noon. Nikki was as convinced that the wedding would take place outside, rain or shine. This conviction and determination was what was needed to make the call. According to the most modern weather predicting technology on hand (a weather app on my phone) it did seem as tho there would be a pocket of dry weather rolling through at precisely 3pm. The outdoor ceremony got the green light it was all go. Thankfully the weather did hold up just long enough.

Many thanks to Nikki + Chris for having me along and the good people at Virginia Park Lodge for being so good.

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